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Grade 5 Core Science: Topics: Human Organ Systems, Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms, Properties of and Changes in Matter, Conservation of Energy and Resources. Style: Activity-Based Lessons, Ready-Made Lesson Plans, Black-Line Masters, Site license to photocopy: Yes, Format: PDF (eBook), Total Pages: 170
Grade 5 Core Science, Topics: Human Organ Systems, Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms, Properties of and Changes in Matter, Conservation of Energy and Resources. All expectations have been turned into Ready-Made, Activity Based lesson plans, Each eBook contains a: Site license to photocopy, All answers are provided, Study organizer included (these special pages prepare students for upcoming test), End-of-strand tests are provided (questions and answers), Tracking student performance, Approximately 179 pages, 40 Activity-Based Lessons.
G5 CORE Science | Human Organ Systems Topic 01 |
Long Range Plans | The Curriculum (2020) |
Report Card | Tracking Student Performance |
Activity 1 | Influence of the Media on a Few Human Activities |
Read the Facts, Make Common Sense Choices   pages 1 to 4 | |
Activity 2 | Where to Find Reliable Information |
Flow Chart, create a Community Directory   pages 5 to 7 | |
Activity 3 + 4 | Healthy Lifestyle that Promotes Healthy Organs |
Eight Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle, Student Guidelines, Presentation   pages 8 to 15 | |
Activity 5 | Investigate Changes in Body Systems |
Read the Facts, Finding Pulse, Changes to Heart Rate, Fitness Test   pages 16 to 20 | |
Activity 6 + 7 | The Structure and Function of the Respiration System |
Read the Facts, Study Organizer, Respiration Diagrams   pages 21 to 26 | |
Activity 8 + 9 | The Structure and Function of the Circulation System |
Read the Facts, Study Organizer, Circulation Diagrams   pages 27 to 32 | |
Activity 10 + 11 | The Structure and Function of the Digestive / Excretory System |
Read the Facts, Study Organizer, Digestive / Excretory Diagrams   pages 33 to 38 | |
Activity 12 | The Nervous System |
Read the Facts, Study Organizer, Nervous System Diagrams   pages 39 to 42 | |
Activity 13 | Interrelationships Between Body Systems |
Group Work, Summary Questions   pages 43 to 47 | |
Activity 14 | Construct a Model of a Moving Joint |
Homework Assignment: Construction Project and Safe Use of Tools   pages 48 to 49 | |
Activity 15 | Study Organizer |
Familiarize students with graphic organizers to help | |
show information in a quick way.   Pages 50 to 53 | |
End of Unit Test | Paper and Pencil Test |
Test Questions (50 marks, 1 page) | |
Test Answers (50 marks, 1 page) |
G5 CORE Science | Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms Topic 02 |
Report Card | Tracking Student Performance |
Activity 1 | Effects of Natural Phenomena ~ Earthquakes |
Read the Facts, Earthquake Application Activity   pages 1 to 4 | |
Activity 2 | Surviving a Hurricane |
Hurricane Simulation Activity, create a Survival Kit   pages 5 to 9 | |
Activity 3 | Evaluate the Impact of Society on Structures and Mechanisms |
Two Sample Scenarios, Position Paragraph Application   pages 10 to 12 | |
Activity 4 | External and Internal Forces |
Read the Facts, Force Application Activities   pages 13 to 18 | |
Activity 5 | Types of Bridges |
Read the Facts, Bridge Application Diagrams   pages 19 to 22 | |
Activity 6 | Building Five Types of Bridges (In Class Construction Assignment) |
Culminating Task | Major Group Work Assignment, Classroom Setup, Build a Bridge, |
Five Sets of Group Evaluation Criteria   pages 23 to 29 | |
Activity 7 | Make a Mechanical System (In Class Construction Assignment) |
Culminating Task | Major Group Work Assignment, Classroom Setup, Build a Well |
Two Sets of Group Evaluation Criteria   pages 30 to 34 | |
Activity 8 | Introduction to Pulleys and Gears |
Read the Facts, Application Activities   pages 35 to 40 | |
Activity 9 | Protective Sports Equipment |
Identify the Protective Equipment, Application Diagrams   pages 41 to 42 |
G5 CORE Science | Properties of and Changes in Matter Topic 03 |
Report Card | Tracking Student Performance |
Activity 1 | Environmental Impacts: Changing Oil and Gas into Other Products |
Read the Facts, Complete the Chart   pages 1 to 4 | |
Activity 2 | Recycling Program in the School |
Classroom Setup, Assessment Activities, Major Tasks, Evaluation   pages 5 to 9 | |
Activity 3 | Three States of Matter |
Read the Facts, Study Organizer, Student Drawn Diagrams   pages 10 to 13 | |
Activity 4 | Changes in States of Matter |
Read the Facts, Complete a Study Organizer Chart   pages 14 to 17 | |
Activity 5 | Properties of Matter |
The Simplified Facts, Two Experiments   pages 18 to 22 | |
Activity 6 | Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter |
Four Classroom Experiments   pages 23 to 31 | |
Activity 7 | Nonreversible Changes in State |
Two Classroom Experiments   pages 32 to 34 | |
Activity 8 | Study Organizer |
Familiarize students with graphic organizers to help | |
show information in a quick way.   Pages 35 to 36 | |
End of Unit Test | Paper and Pencil Test |
Test Questions (100 marks, 2 pages) | |
Test Answers (100 marks, 2 pages) |
G5 CORE Science | Conservation of Energy and Resources Topic 04 |
Report Card | Tracking Student Performance |
Activity 1 | Environmental Impacts of Human Uses of Energy and Natural Resources |
Complete the Flow Chart   pages 1 to 3 | |
Activity 2 | Energy Conservation at Home |
Complete the Chart, Home Energy Inspection   pages 4 to 7 | |
Activity 3 | Transforming Energy |
Introduction, A Few Forms of Energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, | |
Energy Transformation Activities   pages 8 to 13 | |
Activity 4 | Energy Transfers |
Fact Sheet, Applying the Facts   pages 14 to 20 | |
Activity 5 | Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources |
Read the Facts, Cut & Paste, Study Organizer   pages 21 to 25 | |
Activity 6 | Everyday Uses of Energy |
Two Bar Graphs, Discussion Questions, At Home Energy Use   pages 26 to 29 | |
Activity 7 | Devices That Transform Energy |
Class Experiment, design a Device that Transforms Energy   pages 30 to 32 | |
Activity 8 | Study Organizer |
Familiarize students with graphic organizers to help | |
show information in a quick way.   Pages 33 to 34 | |
End of Unit Test | Paper and Pencil Test |
Test Questions (100 marks, 3 pages) | |
Test Answers (100 marks, 3 pages) |
$75.95 +13% HST Tax
$75.95 +13% HST Tax
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